
You can find more of my writing on Medium & Substack

Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

But For A Moment

Standing next to JR, who rode with me through the nightmare marathon of days in 2004, cues the internal pull. The music she would have almost angrily loved starting to compose the crowd. All this prepares some ground, as it were, under my ribs, for another visit… 

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

Truth, Reconciliation, Voices

Real healing is about a truth and reconciliation process that we're called upon to carry out between the warring factions that we carry inside of us... Some of those voices don't belong to us at all—and the good news is we get to send those back to where they belong…

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

The opportunity

The stories of how we resist, how we survive, how we gather, how we fight, and how we heal, will give us the best shot at finding out how we eventually triumph - for the cause of humanity, justice, and truth.

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

Writing As Resistance

Every single time that we gather enough breath and courage to tell our stories, we are writing back against the surge of fascist standardization and human erasure.  Telling our stories is an act of resistance.  Telling our stories loudly, beautifully, genuinely, and even with great humor, is a nonviolent strike back, and crucial fuel for truth and dissent.

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

This Amerikan Moment

After a few months, he told me he did have something to say. It was a shaky start, but through one-on-one sessions after school, email correspondence, and a lot of red ink, his nervousness transformed into something that looked like a quiet excitement. 

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

Getting Schooled

Even though I had been writing through my own myriad traumas for a decade already, I hadn’t expected this people yelled and laughed and bustled around us, as Carolina’s September heat painted sweat on my brow, what he told me has stuck in my hippocampus prominently ever since.

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings


She faced him, and behind her she could hear the inane squeals of drunken girls and bravado of drunk boys boom in the thicket of Evergreens where the keg was planted. 

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Eli Hastings Eli Hastings

Fighters, Circa

Always, the banging of their four fists together before and after the fight; always, the victor lofting the arm of the defeated; always the exchange of the bottle of Crown Royale, throatfuls of fire that conclude the ritual charade of savagery.

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